A Telecom Network Engineer takes responsibilities of diverse network platforms/topologies within channels management of an organization. The candidate provides technical help by analyzing hardware or software data troubleshooting the root causes of the problem and developing or implementing suitable applications for hardware and software solutions. They should also have 911 Drive Testing validation experience to validate and pass 911 test calls of the VoLTE network. The knowledge of PSAP Phases (Phase 0, Phase 1, and Phase 2) would be the plus point to get hired. They must have experience in using tools such as NetScout/Iris, Intrado Portal, Empirix, Glance, and Patrol. If you have such skills then, you may apply for Network Engineer jobs in Texas, USA, Canada by uploading CV at MobileComm Talent Acquisition Solutions- https://mcpstalents.com/findjob. If, you are a fresher candidate, you may apply for a job opening for you here to get hired by the company.
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